Habitat Restoration & Protection Database

Project Details

Acquisition of the Avery Farm

Project Name
Acquisition of the Avery Farm
Site Name
Avery Farm
Ed Lamb Brook
Haleys Brook
Habitat View
Habitat Acres Miles Feet
Acquisitions/Easements 298.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 298.00 0.00 0.00
Degradation Description
An 80-acre farm that straddles the Groton-Ledyard town line was purchased by Latham Avery in 1929. He gradually purchased additional abutting properties amassing nearly 300 acres in all. The property is dominated by forested land, but also contains some meadows and about 50 acres of wetlands. Recently the farm had come under some development pressure, putting this pristine wildlife habitat at risk.
Cause of Degradation
Development Risk
Restoration Technique
Land Acquisition
Project Partners
Partners Organization
Groton Open Space Association
Partners Organization
Town of Groton
Partners Organization
Town of Ledyard
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - Wildlife Division
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - Office of Long Island Sound Programs