Habitat Restoration & Protection Database

Project Details

Bride Brook Dune Restoration

Project Name
Bride Brook Dune Restoration
East Lyme
Site Name
Rocky Neck State Park
Brides Brook
Habitat View
Habitat Acres Miles Feet
Coastal Barriers, Beaches, and Dunes 0.50 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 0.50 0.00 0.00
Degradation Description
The dunes at the eastern end of Rocky Neck State Park had become heavily criss-crossed from high levels of pedestrian traffic. The resulting loss of vegetation and erosion of the sand has led to a fragmenting of the dune habitat, and the wide, established trails left the area subject to additional trampling. Additionally, as part of the Bride Brook Restoration project, it was necessary to re-grade part of the dune and build a temporary access road in order to bring heavy equipment to the project site at the mouth of the brook.
Cause of Degradation
Erosion - anthropogenic sources
Removal of Vegetation
Trampling / Foot Traffic
Restoration Technique
Dune Transplanting
Planting Vegetation
Project Partners
Partners Organization
Save the Sound, a Program of the Connecticut Fund for the Environment
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - State Parks Division
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - Office of Long Island Sound Programs