Acquisition of the Coogan Farm

Basic Project Information
Site Name
Coogan Farm
Habitat Types
Habitat Acres Miles Feet
Acquisitions/Easements 45.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 45.00 0.00 0.00
Funding Sources
Funding Organization Funding Program NFWF-LISFF Funded Amount Amount Awarded Amount Spent
Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - Open Space & Watershed Land Acquisition Grant Program
United States Fish and Wildlife Service - North American Wetlands Conservation Act Grant
The Trust for Public Land
Project Partners
Partners Organization
Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - Wildlife Division
Partners Organization
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection - Office of Long Island Sound Programs
Cause of Degradation
Development Encroachment
Development Risk
Project Description
The project began with the purchase of the 34-acre farm from the Coogan Family by the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center. Shortly afterwards, 11 acres of adjoining land was donated by the developer of the assisted living center as part of the development agreement. This acquisition represents the last undeveloped property along the Mystic River in southeastern Connecticut. The Mystic River is critical for wintering waterfowl and protection of this tract will enhance water quality in the river. The true importance of this tract, however, is to high priority landbirds and New England Cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis). This tract is located within the Ledyard New England Cottontail Focus Area, an area designated for recovery of the Candidate Endangered Species New England Cottontail. This tract is located within the Ledyard New England Cottontail Focus Area, an area designated for recovery of the Candidate Endangered Species New England Cottontail.
Mystic River